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CreateMutex WaitForSingleObject ReleaseMutex使用









Rank: 1

发表于 2016-7-2 17:04:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
HANDLE CreateMutex(


BOOL bInitialOwner,  // flag for initial ownership

LPCTSTR lpName     // pointer to mutex-object name


参数2:指示互斥对象的初始拥有者。 如果该值是真,调用者创建互斥对象,调用的线程获得互斥对象的所有权。 否则,不拥有所有权,此时互斥对象处于空闲状态,其他线程可以占用。

(-)  主线程中创建拥有所有权的互斥量,两个子线程中分别等待互斥量-》没有输出

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DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc1(LPVOID lpParameter);  
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc2(LPVOID lpParameter);  
int    ticket = 50;  
HANDLE hMutex = NULL;  
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  
    HANDLE handle1 = CreateThread(NULL,0,ThreadProc1,NULL,0,NULL);  
    HANDLE handle2 = CreateThread(NULL,0,ThreadProc2,NULL,0,NULL);  
    hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,TRUE,NULL); //第二个参数为TRUE,互斥对象的所有权为主线程所有,非空闲状态  
    return 0;  
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc1(LPVOID lpParameter)  
        WaitForSingleObject(hMutex,INFINITE); //第二个参数为INFINITE表示一直等待,直到拥有互斥对象  
        if ( ticket > 0 )  
            printf("thread1 sale the ticket id is: %d\n", ticket--);  
        ReleaseMutex(hMutex); //使用完了,将互斥对象还给操作系统  
    return 0;  
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc2(LPVOID lpParameter)  
        WaitForSingleObject(hMutex,INFINITE); //第二个参数为INFINITE表示一直等待,直到拥有互斥对象           
        if ( ticket > 0 )  
           printf("thread2 sale the ticket id is: %d\n", ticket--);  
        ReleaseMutex(hMutex); //使用完了,将互斥对象还给操作系统  
    return 0;  

(二)  主线程中创建没有所有权的互斥量,两个子线程中分别等待互斥量-》输出如下

thread1 sale the ticket id is: 50
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 49
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 48
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 47
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 46
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 45
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 44
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 43
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 42
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 41
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 40
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 39
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 38
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 37
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 36
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 35
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 34
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 33
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 32
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 31
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 30
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 29
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 28
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 27
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 26
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 25
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 24
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 23
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 22
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 21
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 20
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 19
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 18
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 17
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 16
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 15
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 14
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 13
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 12
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 11
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 10
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 9
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 8
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 7
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 6
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 5
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 4
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 3
thread1 sale the ticket id is: 2
thread2 sale the ticket id is: 1

(三)  主线程中创建没有所有权的互斥量,主线程和子线程中分别等待互斥量-》主线程和子线程交替输出

(四)  主线程中创建拥有所有权的互斥量,主线程和子线程中分别等待互斥量-》只有主线程输出

(五) 子线程中创建拥有所有权的互斥量,主线程和子线程中分别等待互斥量-》只有子线程输出


后来找到一个 说明,貌似可以说明以上结论呢:

如创建进程希望立即拥有互斥体,则设为TRUE。一个互斥体同时只能由一个线程拥有。是FALSE,表示刚刚创建的这个Mutex不属于任何线程 也就是没有任何线程拥有他,一个Mutex在没有任何线程拥有他的时候,他是处于激发态的, 所以处于有信号状态。
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